Hi, I’m Maraya

I understand the materialisation
of consciousness into form, as a multi-dimensional experience.

The light of creation is available to all Creator Beings. The light of our creators heart has little characters in it, the elemental kingdom or nature spirits. Their designs can be seen materialised into form in Mother Nature. We call this light the Holy Spirit as it is the spirit of the nature of our Creators heart. The mighty Elohim command this light into form under the guidance of the Devic Kingdom and the Elemental kingdom, using the elements earth, water, air and fire. I command this light using the codes of creation, the underlaying program before form materialises, to unite humans with earth.

To know Mother Earth is to know our true nature.

The Creators of this universe are the Avatars. Using the sounds by which we created the earth, I push the light threads into the original designs and patterns of the earths structure; our body, uniting our light streams with earth and all her life.


United with the heartbeat of Africa, I remember my childhood as running barefoot, wild and free, the smell of the dry earth, the buzz of the insects and the shimmering light in the heat. Where there was no time but now. My father was a game ranger in Northern Zululand, South Africa. I recall African umbrella trees, the beat of the drums at sunset and the calls of the wild at night. Sunset was a magical time which we celebrated as a sacred languid moment every evening. It was that moment when the sounds between the worlds crossed us over into an expansive starry night.

Under the African sky, where there is nothing but rolling hills of wilderness changing in the seasons, I listened to the whispers of the long golden grass whilst the birds echoed a backdrop to their story. I imagined that this was all there was and ever would be, this wild free nature of being. And as the night crept in, there would be an abundant display of rich colours behind the silhouette of the aloes in the garden, and the insects would begin to chorus whilst a spotted hyena cackled in the distance.

Within my connected heart is this consciousness that I am. It contains sounds and symbols, patterns of creation. Within my golden heart is the song of my spirit, a song in the wind rendering the essence of love. It is a bird amongst the leaves on the branch of a mighty tree, who sings simply because it is its nature. Within my receptive heart is the willingness to let this song flow through me like a river, a river of light and expression of my soul.

Within each heart is an ancestral blue butterfly connected to a mighty tree rooted next to a crystal clear stream, flowing upon the sands of time. In the heart of the tree is the wise owl, watching with the guiding voice of the Great Mother. The trees green leaves rustle gently under the blue skies, receiving the light of creation and feeding the tree. The owl glides in the darkness seeing all that moves upon the earth below, leaving her eggs safely in the tree. The crystal flowing waters move the sands into patterns that oscillate West/East as the river travels from the North to the South, connecting the beginning and the end. Beyond, is the starry night sky, a reflection of all that is here.

 I am representative of the Galactic Federation and Galactic Council. The Federation is returning law and order to this plane of existence.